halfway through, folks! actually, slightly more than that. exciting! (for me, anyway)
name one bad FOB song (you can't--i've already tried)--this is from a list pete wentz posted in his tumblr around new years; he had people make a best/worst 5 list. somebody put fall out boy's new album on their list (not, in a somewhat surprising development, someone from actually from the band), and added it's impossible to name one bad fall out boy song. and i wholeheartedly agree.
name that song
never go anywhere without your martini and handbag--ahh, mirevella. or whatever we named you.
never leaving new england again
new apartmentttt
new camera
new york citayyy
no sunspots for this girl
no time for crafty time. only sleepies.
no you're not seeing things--those are pink unicorns on the back of that vehicle
nobody can figure out what that thing on the dash is for
nobody in the office today
not making jokes--a carol-ism from this past fall/winter that i adopted.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
post labels part M/13
another long one...
may have spoken too soon--is that a unicorn??--HAHAHAHA still makes me giggle
merry christmas
merry christmas eli
mikey 2.0 beta--one of the better jokes that came from one of my favorite weekend visits <3
minnesota is cordially invited to suck it big time
minnesota sucks hardcore i don't care what anybody says
mmm lemon-y--the night after thanksgiving, my junior year of high school, a bunch of my friends who were now freshmen in college and i got together at someone's house to hang out. unfortunately, besides my friend sara, EVERYBODY THERE WAS IN A COUPLE. sara and i proceeded to try one piece of every kind of leftover pie, and, when we were on the lemon meringue, got a little goofy (sugar?) and started looming over the loving couples going "MMMMM, LEMON-Y!" in a kind of grover (from sesame street) voice. retarded? yes. but still very fun and still funny (to me, at least) in retrospect.
monday ≠ pocket--"pocket" is something deanna says when she thinks a small animal (or, i guess, any sized animal, really) is adorable. she uses this creepy little voice and says "i just wanna put it in my pocket." this evolved to just exclaiming "pocket!" monday is neither adorable nor small, and is cordially invited to suck it. big time.
more mountains
movies like whoa
moving sucks big time
music notes
musician friends
my artsy mom and her crafty friend judy used to joke that they were like "grunge marthas"
my bff is hilarious
my bff runs providence
my bff sean g. thompson
my cousin loves me so
my favorite is the colorful polka-dotted one
my future bestie: michelle o--i really do need to keep a running list of future besties. they include michelle obama, demi lovato, emma watson, jessie from NYC prep, jon stewart, kevin jonas, wolfgang puck, tom collicchio, and i'm sure a slew of other rather embarrassing individuals.
my heart says that it's over my hands are moving on but these songs keep writing themselves
my life in pictures
my own mother missed this when it was on tv
my roommates are cooler than your roommates
my roommates are funnier than your roommates
my roommates are weirder than your roommates
my what a shiny forehead you have
may have spoken too soon--is that a unicorn??--HAHAHAHA still makes me giggle
merry christmas
merry christmas eli
mikey 2.0 beta--one of the better jokes that came from one of my favorite weekend visits <3
minnesota is cordially invited to suck it big time
minnesota sucks hardcore i don't care what anybody says
mmm lemon-y--the night after thanksgiving, my junior year of high school, a bunch of my friends who were now freshmen in college and i got together at someone's house to hang out. unfortunately, besides my friend sara, EVERYBODY THERE WAS IN A COUPLE. sara and i proceeded to try one piece of every kind of leftover pie, and, when we were on the lemon meringue, got a little goofy (sugar?) and started looming over the loving couples going "MMMMM, LEMON-Y!" in a kind of grover (from sesame street) voice. retarded? yes. but still very fun and still funny (to me, at least) in retrospect.
monday ≠ pocket--"pocket" is something deanna says when she thinks a small animal (or, i guess, any sized animal, really) is adorable. she uses this creepy little voice and says "i just wanna put it in my pocket." this evolved to just exclaiming "pocket!" monday is neither adorable nor small, and is cordially invited to suck it. big time.
more mountains
movies like whoa
moving sucks big time
music notes
musician friends
my artsy mom and her crafty friend judy used to joke that they were like "grunge marthas"
my bff is hilarious
my bff runs providence
my bff sean g. thompson
my cousin loves me so
my favorite is the colorful polka-dotted one
my future bestie: michelle o--i really do need to keep a running list of future besties. they include michelle obama, demi lovato, emma watson, jessie from NYC prep, jon stewart, kevin jonas, wolfgang puck, tom collicchio, and i'm sure a slew of other rather embarrassing individuals.
my heart says that it's over my hands are moving on but these songs keep writing themselves
my life in pictures
my own mother missed this when it was on tv
my roommates are cooler than your roommates
my roommates are funnier than your roommates
my roommates are weirder than your roommates
my what a shiny forehead you have
Saturday, August 29, 2009
post labels part J/10, K/11, L/12
going crazy, here: J, K AND L. they just each happened to be shorter lists. here goes...
julie and julia
just a little storm i've been brewing--my friend maggie said this once, pointing to a dark bunch of clouds that were rapidly moving in. i thought it was the funniest thing she'd ever said and quote it often. this was like....eight years ago.
just discovered this show and LOVE IT
kid can't get his gender identies straight and always refers to me as "him"--oh, jacob.
killed it
knitting is for lovers
ladies and gentlemen: the everlasting cher
lazy work day
let the great adventure begin
let's see how long it takes me to read this--um, i can tell you now, i never finished it. so.
let's see how this goes
like a beacon
love actually blog
love the jews
loves it
julie and julia
just a little storm i've been brewing--my friend maggie said this once, pointing to a dark bunch of clouds that were rapidly moving in. i thought it was the funniest thing she'd ever said and quote it often. this was like....eight years ago.
just discovered this show and LOVE IT
kid can't get his gender identies straight and always refers to me as "him"--oh, jacob.
killed it
knitting is for lovers
ladies and gentlemen: the everlasting cher
lazy work day
let the great adventure begin
let's see how long it takes me to read this--um, i can tell you now, i never finished it. so.
let's see how this goes
like a beacon
love actually blog
love the jews
loves it
Friday, August 28, 2009
post labels part I/9
it makes me a little bit sad that the longest list is probably going to be the I's, mainly because so many of them start with the word "I." makes me feel self centered. but it's a blog, whatever.
i admit nothing--usually follows a really good/embarrassing post, i guess
i also heart the guy who was also in the devil wears prada
i am never leaving you again
i can has lots of books?--all of the "i can has" post labels are purely for my own amusement; i think i'm hilarious for labeling things in lolzcat speak.
i can has lunch now?
i can has record reviews?
i can has tacoes supreme?
i can has visibility?
i can totally relate buddy
i didn't actually take this picture
i didn't hate it and that's all i will say
i don't care i still love my cat
i had an imaginary friend once named mangee who totally got me in trouble all the time--that bitch--totally true. my mom and i discussed this recently. lise, her partner, thought we were insane.
i hate flying
i hate new jersey and am so glad my friends don't live there anymore
i have absolutely zero interest in the x men and couldn't be less sorry to admit it
i have made so many trekkie jokes in my day--ask me if i'm sorry
i heart barry o.--also love how many "i heart" labels there are...
i heart new england
i heart potatoes in any form
i heart the jkras
i heart tomato soup and grilled cheese so hard
i heart xkcd
i just spelled "entry" wrong and am kind of confused about it
i kind of wish we had backup singers--in reference to a card deanna taped to my door on my first day of work at brown--in which she made sure there was no confusion as to who was really "pam" in her office (deanna, not me). still, sweet.
i know exactly how you feel dude
i know it's not really that empty leave me alone
i love shopping
i miss PESUP
i never know how i feel about her. martha stewart: arch nemesis/person i most want to be
i never really got into orlando bloom but he totally looks like somebody i'd want to know
i really have to wonder what this is in reference to
i swear the newscaster was super cute thus rendering me completely retarded
i think i'm just going to leave early. screw work.
i totally read this stuff too and will make it a point to take pictures after this
i want a kitchen garden so bad i can hardly stand it
i wish i made this up
i would totally choose him too
if sean and i worked in the same place it would be nothing but trouble--something i think about often. it would be trouble, yes, but hilarious and fun at the same time. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that we get to find out someday.
image via the interweb
in love with providence--always.
is hermione plotting to kill me?--...possibly.
it's 5 o'clock at the oasis
it's creaking right now and i'm actually wondering if it actually is two people doing it and i sort of wish they'd stop if it is
it's friday i'm in love
it's interesting how they're often pictured preforming tasks that one would need arms to accomplish
it's official: i hate snow
i admit nothing--usually follows a really good/embarrassing post, i guess
i also heart the guy who was also in the devil wears prada
i am never leaving you again
i can has lots of books?--all of the "i can has" post labels are purely for my own amusement; i think i'm hilarious for labeling things in lolzcat speak.
i can has lunch now?
i can has record reviews?
i can has tacoes supreme?
i can has visibility?
i can totally relate buddy
i didn't actually take this picture
i didn't hate it and that's all i will say
i don't care i still love my cat
i had an imaginary friend once named mangee who totally got me in trouble all the time--that bitch--totally true. my mom and i discussed this recently. lise, her partner, thought we were insane.
i hate flying
i hate new jersey and am so glad my friends don't live there anymore
i have absolutely zero interest in the x men and couldn't be less sorry to admit it
i have made so many trekkie jokes in my day--ask me if i'm sorry
i heart barry o.--also love how many "i heart" labels there are...
i heart new england
i heart potatoes in any form
i heart the jkras
i heart tomato soup and grilled cheese so hard
i heart xkcd
i just spelled "entry" wrong and am kind of confused about it
i kind of wish we had backup singers--in reference to a card deanna taped to my door on my first day of work at brown--in which she made sure there was no confusion as to who was really "pam" in her office (deanna, not me). still, sweet.
i know exactly how you feel dude
i know it's not really that empty leave me alone
i love shopping
i miss PESUP
i never know how i feel about her. martha stewart: arch nemesis/person i most want to be
i never really got into orlando bloom but he totally looks like somebody i'd want to know
i really have to wonder what this is in reference to
i swear the newscaster was super cute thus rendering me completely retarded
i think i'm just going to leave early. screw work.
i totally read this stuff too and will make it a point to take pictures after this
i want a kitchen garden so bad i can hardly stand it
i wish i made this up
i would totally choose him too
if sean and i worked in the same place it would be nothing but trouble--something i think about often. it would be trouble, yes, but hilarious and fun at the same time. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that we get to find out someday.
image via the interweb
in love with providence--always.
is hermione plotting to kill me?--...possibly.
it's 5 o'clock at the oasis
it's creaking right now and i'm actually wondering if it actually is two people doing it and i sort of wish they'd stop if it is
it's friday i'm in love
it's interesting how they're often pictured preforming tasks that one would need arms to accomplish
it's official: i hate snow
Thursday, August 27, 2009
busy, aggravating morning results in...
Me: i hate everything
Sean: even me?
Me: everything but sean
Sean: well that makes a lot more sense
Sean: even me?
Me: everything but sean
Sean: well that makes a lot more sense
post labels part H/8
here we are at H...
happy christmas break everybody
happy fridayyyyy
happy mom's day y'all
he called me sayah which i totally loved--just to clarify: when i was a baby, i was the first grandchild on my mom's side and my dad's side; this meant, my grandparents had to decide what they wanted me to call them. my dad's parents had names picked out already. my mom's suggested they just be called whatever i wanted to call them. my parents tried to get me to say "sally" and "gramps" (sally is my mother's step mother--her biological mother, linda, died when my mother was 12). instead, for years, i called them "sayah" and "gumps."
he gets the title of BFF for a reason
hello autumn my old friend
hello friday
hells yes jacks mannequin
her loves it
hermione pretty much supervises everything i do
hero status
hoboken boyfriends--i hate to admit this, but i miss that town. and them living together. and their apartment. manhattan is awesome and jersey sucks, but hoboken was pretty special. plus, what do i call them now? my NYC boyfriends? lame.
holiday hell
holy CRAP that hurt
holy eyeliner batman
holy hell that's a lot of presents
home is where the heart is takes on all new meaning
honestly though--did they really do it ALL for the nookie?
hooker trading cards--which keep resurfacing...
how do you suppose people get to the dinghys on the outer ring?
how easy would cooking be if i had this thing?
how many movies can these two do together?
happy christmas break everybody
happy fridayyyyy
happy mom's day y'all
he called me sayah which i totally loved--just to clarify: when i was a baby, i was the first grandchild on my mom's side and my dad's side; this meant, my grandparents had to decide what they wanted me to call them. my dad's parents had names picked out already. my mom's suggested they just be called whatever i wanted to call them. my parents tried to get me to say "sally" and "gramps" (sally is my mother's step mother--her biological mother, linda, died when my mother was 12). instead, for years, i called them "sayah" and "gumps."
he gets the title of BFF for a reason
hello autumn my old friend
hello friday
hells yes jacks mannequin
her loves it
hermione pretty much supervises everything i do
hero status
hoboken boyfriends--i hate to admit this, but i miss that town. and them living together. and their apartment. manhattan is awesome and jersey sucks, but hoboken was pretty special. plus, what do i call them now? my NYC boyfriends? lame.
holiday hell
holy CRAP that hurt
holy eyeliner batman
holy hell that's a lot of presents
home is where the heart is takes on all new meaning
honestly though--did they really do it ALL for the nookie?
hooker trading cards--which keep resurfacing...
how do you suppose people get to the dinghys on the outer ring?
how easy would cooking be if i had this thing?
how many movies can these two do together?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
post labels part G/7
this list is a little short, but the H list is pretty long so i held off from doing another two-fer.
g-chat gets me through the day
g-mail statuses have the ability to totally make my day at times--in reference to one of my favorite posts
gaga's owns my life
garlic is one ingredient i could never do without
gary's real life--link, for posterity
gas stations in the midwest have the funniest names ever
go fug yourself is my favorite blog to snarf things at (?)
good-bye provo
google earth actually kind of scares the crap out of me
google reader is not being updated fast enough for my liking--this is how you know you either have no life, or are not getting enough work to do at work.
gorham kid for life
g-chat gets me through the day
g-mail statuses have the ability to totally make my day at times--in reference to one of my favorite posts
gaga's owns my life
garlic is one ingredient i could never do without
gary's real life--link, for posterity
gas stations in the midwest have the funniest names ever
go fug yourself is my favorite blog to snarf things at (?)
good-bye provo
google earth actually kind of scares the crap out of me
google reader is not being updated fast enough for my liking--this is how you know you either have no life, or are not getting enough work to do at work.
gorham kid for life
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
post labels part E/5 AND F/6
two for today! since E is pretty short and so is F:
early morning rants
eat your veggies kids
empty is lonely
empty office
epic weekend
even more mountains
everyone loves an irish girl--irish girls are unique in their character. they're a combination of girl, mother, and nun. they can go from bambi to banshee in 3.7 seconds. they can bat their eyes and blacken yours. they can love you with passion and make you feel like a king. depending on their mood, they'll chastise you for drinking or match you pint to pint. they keep irish men from killing themselves and each other. uncomprehendable but indispensable, those irish girls.
ew ew ew
facebook love
fakey fridays are love
fall out boy's follie[s]
family visits
file under
file under: does want--this is usually a label for something i've recently fallen in love with; as such, it generally follows my favorite posts.
finally friday
finally spring
first class is tonight
for real real?
fork and knife
frank breau = best friend of all time
frank once drank an entire bottle of cognac in one sitting--it's true. i was with him. we played madlibs.
freaking brilliant
free fruit
fridayyyyy bitches
fuck headaches
fuckin' FANtastic
fucking freezing
early morning rants
eat your veggies kids
empty is lonely
empty office
epic weekend
even more mountains
everyone loves an irish girl--irish girls are unique in their character. they're a combination of girl, mother, and nun. they can go from bambi to banshee in 3.7 seconds. they can bat their eyes and blacken yours. they can love you with passion and make you feel like a king. depending on their mood, they'll chastise you for drinking or match you pint to pint. they keep irish men from killing themselves and each other. uncomprehendable but indispensable, those irish girls.
ew ew ew
facebook love
fakey fridays are love
fall out boy's follie[s]
family visits
file under
file under: does want--this is usually a label for something i've recently fallen in love with; as such, it generally follows my favorite posts.
finally friday
finally spring
first class is tonight
for real real?
fork and knife
frank breau = best friend of all time
frank once drank an entire bottle of cognac in one sitting--it's true. i was with him. we played madlibs.
freaking brilliant
free fruit
fridayyyyy bitches
fuck headaches
fuckin' FANtastic
fucking freezing
Monday, August 24, 2009
my distaste for taylor swift has been more or less documented here and there...and yet, i have a funny feeling i'll want to dance to this song (that i am definitely annoying my coworkers with, by playing on repeat) at my wedding...
We were both young when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts-
I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.
I see the lights; see the party, the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd-
You say hello, little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles-
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet"-
And I was crying on the staircase-
begging you, "Please don't go..."
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet, because we're dead if they knew-
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while.
Oh, Oh.
Cause you were Romeo - I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet" -
but you were everything to me-
I was begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes-
Romeo save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel.
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
Oh, Oh.
I got tired of waiting.
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading-
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said...
Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you, but you never come.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think-
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...
Marry me Juliet, you'll never have to be alone.
I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad -- go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby just say... yes.
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh.
'cause we were both young when I first saw you...
I close my eyes and the flashback starts-
I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.
I see the lights; see the party, the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd-
You say hello, little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles-
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet"-
And I was crying on the staircase-
begging you, "Please don't go..."
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet, because we're dead if they knew-
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while.
Oh, Oh.
Cause you were Romeo - I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet" -
but you were everything to me-
I was begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes-
Romeo save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel.
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
Oh, Oh.
I got tired of waiting.
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading-
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said...
Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you, but you never come.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think-
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...
Marry me Juliet, you'll never have to be alone.
I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad -- go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby just say... yes.
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh.
'cause we were both young when I first saw you...
...know what i mean?
post labels part D/4
onto D...
deanna and carol will always be referred to as "roomies"
dear kevin jonas: please return my sunglasses. love sarah--just have to say, for some reason i think it's hilarious to say "dear so-and-so" and make demands of them. see also: dear miley cyrus.
dear logan
dear miley cyrus: please cease to exist. thank you.--(see?)
dear RI
definitely check out aaron's blog--it's pretty super
dermot mulroney might be overly stoic but boy is he pretty to look at
did anybody ever really eat crayons as a kid?
did i mention my mom is engaged????
do heart those jonas brothers
do you really think it has EVERY RECIPE EVER in there?
does anybody really speak yiddish?
does want
dollar signs
don't even act like this doesn't totally bring you back--because it does. i know.
don't even ask how i found this
don't even ask why i get these emails
don't hassel the hoff--because he will end you.
don't look back in anger?
driving off into the mountains
deanna and carol will always be referred to as "roomies"
dear kevin jonas: please return my sunglasses. love sarah--just have to say, for some reason i think it's hilarious to say "dear so-and-so" and make demands of them. see also: dear miley cyrus.
dear logan
dear miley cyrus: please cease to exist. thank you.--(see?)
dear RI
definitely check out aaron's blog--it's pretty super
dermot mulroney might be overly stoic but boy is he pretty to look at
did anybody ever really eat crayons as a kid?
did i mention my mom is engaged????
do heart those jonas brothers
do you really think it has EVERY RECIPE EVER in there?
does anybody really speak yiddish?
does want
dollar signs
don't even act like this doesn't totally bring you back--because it does. i know.
don't even ask how i found this
don't even ask why i get these emails
don't hassel the hoff--because he will end you.
don't look back in anger?
driving off into the mountains
Sunday, August 23, 2009
post labels part C/3
third installment!
cahtoon muffin--of course this is a favorite; how good is this video?
calvin and hobbes make everything better
cameron crowe ftw
can i graduate?
cannot believe he's 3
caterpillar shower?
caterpillars are gross i don't care what anybody says--this was absolutely the most disturbing dream i ever remember having.
champagne like whoa
cheer up emo kid
chicago is fuzzy like bigfoot--which kept fianz and i giggling for a good hour or so on our trip.
christmas time does this to me
christmas with the crazies
cinnamon twists are the weirdest and greatest dessert of all time
click that second link. trust.
contrary to logic that pepper shaker does not actually work
crayola--what a great name
cubes without windows
cahtoon muffin--of course this is a favorite; how good is this video?
calvin and hobbes make everything better
cameron crowe ftw
can i graduate?
cannot believe he's 3
caterpillar shower?
caterpillars are gross i don't care what anybody says--this was absolutely the most disturbing dream i ever remember having.
champagne like whoa
cheer up emo kid
chicago is fuzzy like bigfoot--which kept fianz and i giggling for a good hour or so on our trip.
christmas time does this to me
christmas with the crazies
cinnamon twists are the weirdest and greatest dessert of all time
click that second link. trust.
contrary to logic that pepper shaker does not actually work
crayola--what a great name
cubes without windows
Saturday, August 22, 2009
post labels part B/2
second installment...
barack obama jack in the box--literally my favorite present ever.
barnesandnoble.com rules all
besides dimitri that is
best present ever?
best.license plate.ever.
birds nest
blizzards rock my socks off but only when i am inside and they are outside--this makes me nostalgic for last winter/long for christmas time.
bored at work
boxed water
boys are cuter in the summer
boys are dumb sometimes
brickway is the antedote to any snow-related sorrows
brighter than sunshine
brilliant ideas
brilliant theories
bumper sticker of the day/week/month
(none of the B labels happen to be particularly proud moments for me. i kind of had to reach.)
barack obama jack in the box--literally my favorite present ever.
barnesandnoble.com rules all
besides dimitri that is
best present ever?
best.license plate.ever.
birds nest
blizzards rock my socks off but only when i am inside and they are outside--this makes me nostalgic for last winter/long for christmas time.
bored at work
boxed water
boys are cuter in the summer
boys are dumb sometimes
brickway is the antedote to any snow-related sorrows
brighter than sunshine
brilliant ideas
brilliant theories
bumper sticker of the day/week/month
(none of the B labels happen to be particularly proud moments for me. i kind of had to reach.)
Friday, August 21, 2009
post labels: part A/1
i thought, for laughs, i'd post the entire list of post labels i've managed to hoard in the last year or so of blogging. then i started trying to separate them, and it took me about 20 minutes to get to the I's. so, i thought "hey, this is MY blog, after all," and opted to do it in installments by letter. so, here's the first list, the A's. i'll highlight my favorites:
"and on your LEFT..."
"doom bucket" is surprisingly fun to say out loud
390 may seem like a lot of miles but when you've already driven 2000 miles it seems like a remarkably short distance
90 East
a brief history of the world's best comic strip
a day in the life of a daisy--man do i miss that cat.
a lotta boxes
a moment--literally--captured on film
a taco filled with tacos: a taco taco--this one, i love because i found it as a byline in the april fools day issue of my college newspaper and put it up as my away message and totally rocked sean's world
accidentally in love
actual references are fun
alone in the office today
am i really going to spend $10 to be able to blog on the go?
and then i'd be like EAT GORHAM MOTHERFUCKER--in reference to what sean thompson planned to yell at my roommate alyssa's boyfriend if he ever gave sean a reason not to like him; while shoving his face into the hallway wall. note: sean is 5'8"; alyssa's boyfriend, while skinny, was about 6'4". you tell me who would've won that one.
another long entry
anyting + bacon = yum
archie 2.0
ask me someday about michelle's squirrel story--just for fun, here it is: michelle, one of my coworkers when i was an RA (also referred to as "RA soulmate"), once told dillon and i about the time there was a squirrel living in the chimney at the house she grew up in. her dad, being a fire fighter, decided to use his skillz to smoke the little critter out, so he lit a fire in the fireplace and took the time to create a little pathway to the front door, with pillows on either side of the runway he expected the squirrel to take. he closed the doors to the basement and garage, blocked off the staircase to the second floor, and waited. after a few minutes, there was a scuffling noise in the chimney, and suddenly, a squirrel--ON FIRE--came shooting out of the fireplace. disregarding the carefully plotted path laid out for him, he jumped onto the couch and set the curtains on fire before bolting out the front door. seconds later, the neighbors called: "um, this is going to sound...strange...but...something just ran. out of your house. ...on fire."
"and on your LEFT..."
"doom bucket" is surprisingly fun to say out loud
390 may seem like a lot of miles but when you've already driven 2000 miles it seems like a remarkably short distance
90 East
a brief history of the world's best comic strip
a day in the life of a daisy--man do i miss that cat.
a lotta boxes
a moment--literally--captured on film
a taco filled with tacos: a taco taco--this one, i love because i found it as a byline in the april fools day issue of my college newspaper and put it up as my away message and totally rocked sean's world
accidentally in love
actual references are fun
alone in the office today
am i really going to spend $10 to be able to blog on the go?
and then i'd be like EAT GORHAM MOTHERFUCKER--in reference to what sean thompson planned to yell at my roommate alyssa's boyfriend if he ever gave sean a reason not to like him; while shoving his face into the hallway wall. note: sean is 5'8"; alyssa's boyfriend, while skinny, was about 6'4". you tell me who would've won that one.
another long entry
anyting + bacon = yum
archie 2.0
ask me someday about michelle's squirrel story--just for fun, here it is: michelle, one of my coworkers when i was an RA (also referred to as "RA soulmate"), once told dillon and i about the time there was a squirrel living in the chimney at the house she grew up in. her dad, being a fire fighter, decided to use his skillz to smoke the little critter out, so he lit a fire in the fireplace and took the time to create a little pathway to the front door, with pillows on either side of the runway he expected the squirrel to take. he closed the doors to the basement and garage, blocked off the staircase to the second floor, and waited. after a few minutes, there was a scuffling noise in the chimney, and suddenly, a squirrel--ON FIRE--came shooting out of the fireplace. disregarding the carefully plotted path laid out for him, he jumped onto the couch and set the curtains on fire before bolting out the front door. seconds later, the neighbors called: "um, this is going to sound...strange...but...something just ran. out of your house. ...on fire."
Thursday, August 20, 2009
fianz sent me this article last night and i just finished reading it; Ladies: I'm Not Your Gay Boyfriend is on the one hand a really great article from an interesting point of view--who knew gay men could hate the idea of fag hags as much as most girls roll their eyes at them in passing? i'm not claiming to not have taken a gay friend to my junior prom, i'm not pretending i don't spend plenty of time gushing over mutual love for the jonas brothers with one of my two long distance gay bffs (and occasionally fighting over boys; what can i say? we've always had the same taste in men, and have been known to place bets on other people's sexuality. oops!), or, when the other long distance gay bff is visiting, a fair amount of time shopping with him.
but fag hag? please don't call me that. i've known many a hag in my day--they're always tragic girls who are a little overweight and dying for male attention. i'm sorry, but it's true. i can spot a hag from a mile away--unlucky in love, awkward, loud, "into theatre" (although typically just someone who saw RENT in the movie threatres in 2005 and thinks that means something), who loves nothing more than loudly, awkwardly and, let's face it, annoyingly announcing which gay boys are cute and which aren't at pride.
remember at the beginning of this rant, when i said the article was, on one hand, a great article from an interesting point of view? well, here's the other hand: i'm sure it wasn't set up to read this way, but the article felt like a bit of an attack towards any girl who has a gay friend. john and tyler (respectively) will always be called "my friend john" or simply "tyler" long before i'll point out their sexuality as a defining characteristic (when is this going to turn around? will i become somebody's "straight friend sarah?" weird.). i grew up with tyler and knew he was gay before he did, but it didn't have anything to do with why we started hanging out. and john moved in with one of my best friends in college--i didn't have to search him out to become friends with him.
the only gay club i've ever been to was a lesbian club--because i was the only straight girl hanging out on that particular night and that was where my friends wanted to go. i go to pride to support the publication my mother runs and to see my friends. i've never been to the parade. i am not a gay man in a straight woman's body. and please, please don't call me a fag hag. fag hags are embarrassing and give all us other girls who have gay friends a bad name.
anyway. end rant. read the article here.
but fag hag? please don't call me that. i've known many a hag in my day--they're always tragic girls who are a little overweight and dying for male attention. i'm sorry, but it's true. i can spot a hag from a mile away--unlucky in love, awkward, loud, "into theatre" (although typically just someone who saw RENT in the movie threatres in 2005 and thinks that means something), who loves nothing more than loudly, awkwardly and, let's face it, annoyingly announcing which gay boys are cute and which aren't at pride.
remember at the beginning of this rant, when i said the article was, on one hand, a great article from an interesting point of view? well, here's the other hand: i'm sure it wasn't set up to read this way, but the article felt like a bit of an attack towards any girl who has a gay friend. john and tyler (respectively) will always be called "my friend john" or simply "tyler" long before i'll point out their sexuality as a defining characteristic (when is this going to turn around? will i become somebody's "straight friend sarah?" weird.). i grew up with tyler and knew he was gay before he did, but it didn't have anything to do with why we started hanging out. and john moved in with one of my best friends in college--i didn't have to search him out to become friends with him.
the only gay club i've ever been to was a lesbian club--because i was the only straight girl hanging out on that particular night and that was where my friends wanted to go. i go to pride to support the publication my mother runs and to see my friends. i've never been to the parade. i am not a gay man in a straight woman's body. and please, please don't call me a fag hag. fag hags are embarrassing and give all us other girls who have gay friends a bad name.
anyway. end rant. read the article here.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
roomie and i on the LSAT
me: i guess it's a test that's set up to see how you work at problem solving and logic and reading comprehension and such, not actual facts you have to memorize and spit out. it tests your test taking technique.
Deanna: right
Deanna: right
hammer is to nails as a piglet is to blank
me: haha
what exactly would piglet be to?
Deanna: guess that's why so few people pass
christmas list part 1
who knew they'd have these on amazon? you can even get them used and new starting at $11.25! i'd take a used slap chop. i just want to slap my troubles away, man.
there's a lot that you don't notice
when you read between the lines
the future's out of focus
when you're blinded by the light
it's the hope for all the hopeless
in the worst of trying times
i resort to being speechless
cause our love won't survive
our love won't survive
don't speak a word...
400th post! these lyrics just happened to really jump out at me today.
when you read between the lines
the future's out of focus
when you're blinded by the light
it's the hope for all the hopeless
in the worst of trying times
i resort to being speechless
cause our love won't survive
our love won't survive
don't speak a word...
400th post! these lyrics just happened to really jump out at me today.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Found on Oaxaca's desk. So awesome.
when i asked him about it, he told me he found this in the copy room, in the pen drawer (where people leave pens and markers they don't need/take them if they do). "like, someone thought, oh, i don't need this pen. WHO DOESN'T NEED THIS PEN?" once in a while, i don't mind this job one bit.
when i asked him about it, he told me he found this in the copy room, in the pen drawer (where people leave pens and markers they don't need/take them if they do). "like, someone thought, oh, i don't need this pen. WHO DOESN'T NEED THIS PEN?" once in a while, i don't mind this job one bit.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
(from tumblr)

anyway. that's all.
it's been such a long time since i had a "home" to go to. since i graduated high school and we moved out of the house i grew up in, the amount of things kept in houses my mother lived in dwindled to less and less until finally she moved in with lise, her partner (and fiance!), and i moved into her old apartment. on the one hand, this makes my apartment with the fianz "home." on the other hand, it makes me really sad sometimes to think about the fact that i go to my mom's apartment, but i haven't gone "back home" since i was like, 21...or 18, depending on how you measure things. i guess i can't promise anything, but i really want to be able to have a home for my kids to come to, someday.(via onlymyfavoritemovies)
“You know that point in your life when you realize the house you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore? All of a sudden even though you have some place where you put your shit, that idea of home is gone.”
anyway. that's all.
but you're no mystery to me, miss california
i know this is a little bit premature, but i woke up this morning in a cold room (thanks to AC and a fan, i'll admit), my apartment was the perfect temperature while i was getting ready, the sun was shining, the sky was that deep, beautiful blue and it wasn't already sweltering when i got outside. on my drive to work, i listened to jacks mannequin's miss california, and couldn't help but think...

...it's coming <3
...it's coming <3
Monday, August 3, 2009
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