(to your right, you'll note the local jewish community center. straight ahead: hope high school.)
(oh, thayer street. you are so empty early in the am, when all the hipsters are still deeply involved in their eyeliner-clad REM cycles.)
(here, we are passing by bagel gourmet ole, coming upon east side pockets [not bad, but sub-par when you're used to international], and soon there after, shanghai, the site of many a kurt-visit-dinner)
(while we wait for this red light, i'd like to take the opportunity to introduce our copilots: buddha and bonkers. oh, excuse me, bonkers! should we give you some privacy while you do your business? ...ok.)
(on your left, you will find us passing by...oh, just some large brick building that's a part of brown. where i work. i work at brown. [this is very likely the admissions building, but don't quote me!])
(gasp! is that a real city building i see, off in the distance? stay tuned, we are fast approaching my favorite view of providence [something that, admittedly, changes QUITE frequently])
(almost there!)
(well, well! what have we, here? a real city? almost!)
ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the photo-tour of my drive to work...yes, i still have to drive about a mile, but that, we'll save for another time. hope you enjoyed your time with us! don't forget to tip the driver.
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