Sunday, March 10, 2013

Liam update

I know it's silly to call this an update since I'm terrible at blogging regularly, but either way, Liam has his first tooth! It's not completely formed yet, but it has definitely poked through and is visible (or so I am told, haha). I'll try to post a picture of it if we ever get one. Other news:

- He can locate his pacifier and put if in his own mouth (totally amazing to watch, and makes long drives way less stressful)

- A favorite toy has emerged...oddly, it's his light blue silicone rubber bib, but no joke, if he's awake and playing with it, he cannot be separated from it without totally freaking out

- He has just enough hair to make a whispy little mohawk, a gift we take advantage of every chance we get

- He can handle sitting in a high chair in a restaurant for long enough spurts that allow visits to Newport Creamery (major win)

- His vocabulary has expanded to include gems like "ba ba bwa" and "grr," and actual words like "mama" and "mom" (don't get excited on my behalf, as far as we can tell, these are still just noises to him). He yells out gleefully when he's happy or excited and in the last few days has started blowing raspberries. Pretty cute :-)

No crawling or walking yet, and no real words, but we're both ok with those steps being held off. For now, it's nice to be able to put him down and trust he won't go hide anywhere, and I know I'll miss the baby talk once it's gone. The new developments are all fun and exciting and wonderful, but I'm glad they're coming only a little at a time!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

This is literally what Liam has been doing every waking hour that is not consumed by eating for the last week and a half. It's true: we have the funniest baby ever.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Here's a baby picture of yours truly I just found in a pops into my head now and then when I'm hanging out with Liam, I suppose there is a bit of a resemblance :-) ill have to get back to you with a baby picture of Kurt sometime soon, if I can ever find one!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Liam face

Forgive the blurriness--this is the patented Liam Face: wide eyed, lips pressed together in a thin, flat line, inquisitive look...the blur factor is pretty common as well, as this guy only stops moving to take naps ;-)

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