Wednesday, April 23, 2008

cubicle walls hold a strange promise when they're empty, and looking at them now (particularly now that i'm aware that i'll be moving upstairs in the not-so-distant future), i really like the way they look. a map of brown university campus, a list of equity assistance center addresses, the syllabus for maria's class. and pictures. lots of pictures.

dillon in bed with his new bike frame, recently painted metallic green, a red heart propped up on his arm while he tries not to smile. sean, wearing an orange plaid shirt and aviator sunglasses, grinning (probably laughing) with his arm around aaron, wearing a similar green plaid shirt and making a goofy face. kurt, curled up on my ugly mustard-yellow couch, hands clasped, eyes closed, smiling--the colors so vibrant and the soft light making him look kind of angelic. brett and chris, wearing matching red sox shirts, me in capris and sunglasses that make me look like a raging bitch (somehow), josh looking, as always, a little bit older and a little out of place, kourtney with her free pink pawsox shirt slung over her shoulder, and susanna looking perfect and tan and skinny. an xkcd comic that reads "in a dark and confusing world, you burn brightly, i never feel lost." the card deanna gave me on my first day at brown, a blue and white backround with red words: "i kind of wish we had backup singers." a drawing of søren kierkegaard, lips pursed slightly and eyes burning blankly off the page. "to do." john krasinski lazily flopped on a desk, a camera by his elbow. alyssa, laura, linnae, drew and i grinning in our caps and gowns at graduation--i only really talk to linnae and drew anymore, and it hasn't even been a whole year. me leaning into stephanie, her arm around me, sitting on the lawn outside tucker hall, grinning for another year of staff pictures.

moving is so weird.

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