Thursday, September 3, 2009

post labels part S/19

ok, back with the S's...

sad face
sarah has an iphone?
screencaps are fun
sean gorham? thompson--sean's middle name is gorman (sp?), his mother's maiden name. it took me four years of knowing him to find this out (he tried to make me guess), and when he graduated the year before i did, he told them to read his name "sean gorham thompson." it made me cry. we never talked about it, but i always felt like it was his way of reminding me that he loved me. it's one of my favorite memories from college.
sean thompson is a fucking weirdo--truth.
sean thompson this had better not be true for you
sean used to walk around our dorm playing kristen's guitar like a bass and quoting mitch hedberg quotes
second thing to be proud of at work
selective capitalization
shame spiral due to terrible lyrics i used to love
shiny tatas
silly catholics
silly recession
silly to add that link when you could always just scroll down
slave to martha
slowly learning photoshop
smells like september
so glad it's friday
some people get voted most likely to succeed--not sean
sometimes i legit get depressed that nick isn't my bff--truthbomb.
sometimes i think gary is reading my mind
sometimes one-word answers are all i can muster
sometimes the mood just strikes you
somewhere outside of chicago
sorry for getting a bit fan-girly
sorry perez but i really cannot stand her
south county isn't real
still fucking snowing
still kind of sorry i saw his nakey pix
stupid people are funny sometimes
suddenly fantasizing about what to cook for dinner...
suddenly kind of nervous...
sunday brunch club--one of my favorite traditions =)
super gay
søren you sexy dane--interesting to find out that the funny danish O comes last...

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