Sunday, January 3, 2010

i promise i'll stop with this movie sometime soon

but seriously, this is my new favorite scene in a movie, ever:

Bonnie Hunt: So, what is this? A genetic thing? Men will say anything just to get laid?

Robert Downey, Jr: No! Not fair. Ok? A: I didn't get laid. B: The reality is, some metaphysical wires got crossed in my--

BH: Ugh.

RDJ: No! I don't have the right name, but I am the guy. I was there, I know it. Please, do not let her go.

BH: Well, she's going, and she's going to marry the podiatrist.

RDJ: Podiatrist?

BH: Yeah.

RDJ: Oh, that's--deep.

BH: How could you lie to her like that? What is that?

RDJ: It was an emergency. Ok? I literally had to. It was the only way to stop her. I knew that if I didn't, I would never see her again. Ok?

BH: Yeah, well. A lie's a lie.

RDJ: Will you--please, please! Please? Will you sit down? For one second? Please?

[BH sits]

RDJ: Thank you. [stands, backs away.] I am not ‘supposed’ to be in Rome. I'm supposed to be in Boston, leading a really boring life... working my can off for my boss so he can spend half the day in the gym...but I'm here. And he was not supposed to get measles—Measles! At 43 years of age! But he did. So they sent me. Alright? The guy who's never been anywhere except, maybe, like, Mazatlán, y’know, for spring break. And! Someone gave me a little Italian phrase book, like, y’know, the week before I left. And I was not supposed to be in the piazza that night... but I was. I went to see a movie...but in my opinion, Woody Allen is not funny when it's dubbed in I left. And I was just, y’know, wandering, I was wandering, I was wandering...And then, [gestures] bang, someone bumped into me. [walks over, kneels in front of BH] And then I saw her. I looked into her eyes and--Wow, something happened. Something that's never happened to me before. Something so...familiar

BH: Mania?

RDJ: Whatever. She fell in love with me, too, by the way. Ok? I said, please, God, please, give me a sign, give me some way of making sure that this woman does not get into that cab and disappear from my life forever...She's the one." [pause] And He did. 'Cause she told me the name—granted, it wasn't my name, but, y’know, it was a start. If that's not destiny...then I don't know...anything.

BH: That's really romantic. [long pause]Is it a lie?

RDJ: Agh! Come on! It is a name, for Christ's sake. This whole thing is so ludicrous—you know it! You know she's out of her mind, she’s chasing some guy around. This guy, by the way, could happen to be the biggest loser to ever walk the face of the Earth. He could be a grump, a jerk a pervert, a cynic, some guy whose mind is infested with dark thoughts, he could be a criminal, he could be...truly sick. [pause] Realistically? Like, what are the odds that he's like, some...extra...super...double-terrific guy?

BH: [smiles] Ten billion to one?

RDJ: Exactly. Do I have an ally?


would like to note here that i sort of have never really bought, or even been into movies about "love at first sight," and as such, that is not why i like this scene so much, it's just the delivery and the seth cohen-ness of it all.

:::edit 2:::

ha! see it, here! (the first line or so is cut off, but whatever) it's only about the first 3 minutes, don't bother watching the whole thing. or any of it, i guess, if you don't want to. haha =)

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