Thursday, July 30, 2009

New computer!!!!!! Not the laptop I wanted, but helloooooo giant
screen, tiny keyboard, and super fancy mouse!


this is a little odd--i've never heard of this gadget before, but when i read this review, i was immediately convinced of my need of it:

Being a collector of kitchen gadgets, I purchased this a few years ago and it disappeared among the other items in my collection. I found it recently and bought some fresh garlic, drizzled it with olive oil, and sprinkled some fresh thyme over it. About 45 minutes later, the house was filled with the aroma of roasted garlic....YUMMM!!! I have used roasted garlic with mashed potatoes and will never again do it any other way. The Norpro works much better than foil as it bakes the garlic more evenly. I use this item all the time now and just toss it in the oven when I'm roasting another main dish or casserole. It's so good that you may find yourself wanting more than one, as there is nothing that tastes better than food smothered in roasted garlic.

i love cooking with garlic--it's so delicious, and so, so good for you. this is going to the top of my christmas list, just under a standing mixer (which i totally do not expect to get, because they are wildly expensive!).


i know i've been pretty terrible about keeping up with blogging lately, and i'm pretty sad about it. i've also been terrible about keeping up with my google reader (487 unread items! no pressure.). anyway, i chose today to catch up on that...

...and found the following article, that made me want to go home and cook up a storm:

Cinematic Cuisine That Would Make Even Julia Child Proud

i don't know about anybody else, but i am beyond excited to see this movie. i'm not exactly what one would call a diciple of julia--having never read or owned a single one of her cookbooks--but i love food, and cooking, and meryl street, and amy adams. so, what's not to love about this movie?

the article talks about the food in the movie--specifically, the challenge of making it look amazing, and taste just as good. it's really interesting...i'd kind of like to know how one gets a gig like this! wouldn't that be fun? bonus points for the mentions of pieces of april, one of my all time favorite movies--which i was thinking about the whole time i was reading the article.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This guy works in my building and he always parks his teeny, tiny car like this so it takes up 2 spaces. Hate.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jacob's self-imposed time out (like 2 weeks ago)


Another one of those conquer the world moments. I think this is the prettiest cake I've ever seen, much less made myself :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, meet drunk Kurt. Hilarious.

Mapping out future trips to Boston over drinks.

Love Boston <3

Comin' for ya, Boston...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

your a part of the lamest tv news story of the last year. do i smell a daytime emmy?...

at least i didn't giggle or say "like" as many times as i'd predicted (for the record: 900).

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fianz's neices last week. Abby and Elizabeth. Adorbs :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

“When it comes to changing,” Nick adds firmly, “music may change, our lives may change, but who we are as people wont. I believe that the people we were before we started the band are the same people we are today. We’ve just grown up in height.” Then, the corner of his mouth curls into a mischievous smirk. “I mean, I'm the tallest but…”
“There’s a very competitive side to us, as you can tell,” Kevin says. “Like, I'm just going to say it: I’ve started beating everybody at golf.”

“Well, yeah,” Nick responds. “But I haven't been playing."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How can anybody possibly not believe in God?...

(holy hell!)

...the other.

One side of the street...
jacob and uncle kurt return a movie to redbox...

one of my coworkers just told me that whenever he sees me, he thinks of the terminator. i told him i didn't know how to react to that, really, and he proceeded to imitate ahhnold ("sarah conners, what is she doing in there?").

...i didn't really know how to react to that, either.

Had to pull over because it was raining too hard to drive...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Old school Monty Are I sticker in Narragansett! Warms my heart :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

In such serious heart with Providence it's not even funny

Family <3

Thursday, July 2, 2009

…at least one of us is relaxed :-/

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kitteh's first thunderstorm...

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