Thursday, July 30, 2009


i know i've been pretty terrible about keeping up with blogging lately, and i'm pretty sad about it. i've also been terrible about keeping up with my google reader (487 unread items! no pressure.). anyway, i chose today to catch up on that...

...and found the following article, that made me want to go home and cook up a storm:

Cinematic Cuisine That Would Make Even Julia Child Proud

i don't know about anybody else, but i am beyond excited to see this movie. i'm not exactly what one would call a diciple of julia--having never read or owned a single one of her cookbooks--but i love food, and cooking, and meryl street, and amy adams. so, what's not to love about this movie?

the article talks about the food in the movie--specifically, the challenge of making it look amazing, and taste just as good. it's really interesting...i'd kind of like to know how one gets a gig like this! wouldn't that be fun? bonus points for the mentions of pieces of april, one of my all time favorite movies--which i was thinking about the whole time i was reading the article.

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