Tuesday, May 3, 2011

in the wake of this whole bin laden thing, i have to confess, i'm sort of not sure how to feel. i'm always a little uncomfortable really celebrating the murder of a human being--never mind how terrible a person that human being is. i felt the same way about saddam hussein; it felt super weird that people were celebrating while a person was being hanged. it feels weird to have spent my last night in san diego sitting in front of the tv, waiting for the president to tell us that the man our military has been hunting for almost 10 years is dead and yet, to assure us that the "war on terror" still isn't over, and that now we may be--albeit momentarily--in more danger than ever.

with all of that said, kurt and i watched the daily show tonight...

"Of course, on any occasion like this, there will be people who will try and give us ‘perspective.’ This is not the time. Yes, we shouldn’t have killed him. Now the terrorists are going to want to attack us! But you know what? Even when they do, you know who won’t see it? Bin Laden, because we shot out his eyes, and now he lives in a pineapple under the sea." -Jon Stewart

i still don't know exactly how i feel, but. ...i love that guy.

:::edit::: my friend stephanie posted this on facebook:
Ezekiel 33:11 "As I live," says the Lord God, "I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live."
i'm not very religious and have never heard that passage before, but...exactly. that is exactly how i feel. thanks, stephles.

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