Wednesday, September 15, 2010

so, someday kurt and i will load our honeymoon-in-london pictures and i'll post some on here. until that actually happens, here's something kind of cool to tide you over:

we at least traveled through trafalgar square most of the days we were in london, so we decided our last hurrah dinner should be there--we stumbled across the trafalgar hotel a few days beforehand and decided to check out the roof garden and see if it would be a good setting, and when we went up the winding staircase, we found a group of people setting the scene for a photographer, who was taking pictures to be featured on their brochure and webpage. he took a break so we could take a few pictures of our own, and talked to us about what we were looking at and what a great space we were in. so, the pictures that link will lead you to are not just of the view we saw as we ate (and shivered) on a rooftop on our last night in london--they were taken on the very same day, with us standing right there.

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