Monday, September 13, 2010

today at work the entire office is required to attend a meeting discussing the "reorganization plan" for the next few months. extremely uninterested in giving the "miss america wave" when the topic of layoffs comes up, i've opted to leave at lunchtime and miss the meeting entirely, having instructed a handful of people to take careful notes and update me as to the goings on. it probably goes without saying that i am not excited about being here this morning at all, and am anxiously awaiting my escape time, which is the only reason why i'm appreciating the goings on that are thanks to my coworker, oaxaca:

early this morning, he walked by my cube, stopped, came back and said "so, did you figure out how i booby-trapped your cubicle, yet?"

"what? no!" i said. "i don't believe you."

"ok," he said, and walked away, whistling to himself.

i looked all over the entirety of my cubicle--opened drawers, looked in boxes, made sure he didn't affix a mustache to my obama poster--and found nothing. so, i took to gchat:

me: you are such a giant pain. there is nothing wrong with my cubicle.
Oaxaca: hee-hee
me: ...i hate you.
Oaxaca: you do not
me: will you just tell me you didn't do anything so i can stop looking around suspiciously? it's really messing with my chi
Oaxaca: ...then bend like the reed, muthatruckah!
me: UGH.

he then walked past my cube, looked in, said "warmer..." and walked away giggling.

Oaxaca: Nah....I didn't really do anything to your I seem like the person that would, oh, I don't know, read a little book titled, Office Mayhem, come to work early on a Monday and perform said mischief on someone I adore as much as you????
me: YES! obviously!
Oaxaca: I don't think so
me: oh my god
why did i give you that?
terrible idea, stowell

this refers to a book i bought for a friend of mine several years ago for christmas, but never gave to him. instead, i (stupidly) gave it to my coworker as a joke.

i am reasonably certain he's just messing with me, but this hasn't stopped me from continuing to jump up and root around in one box or drawer or pencil cup or another.

i am having a very stressful morning.

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