Friday, August 21, 2009

post labels: part A/1

i thought, for laughs, i'd post the entire list of post labels i've managed to hoard in the last year or so of blogging. then i started trying to separate them, and it took me about 20 minutes to get to the I's. so, i thought "hey, this is MY blog, after all," and opted to do it in installments by letter. so, here's the first list, the A's. i'll highlight my favorites:

"and on your LEFT..."
"doom bucket" is surprisingly fun to say out loud
390 may seem like a lot of miles but when you've already driven 2000 miles it seems like a remarkably short distance
90 East
a brief history of the world's best comic strip
a day in the life of a daisy--man do i miss that cat.
a lotta boxes
a moment--literally--captured on film
a taco filled with tacos: a taco taco--this one, i love because i found it as a byline in the april fools day issue of my college newspaper and put it up as my away message and totally rocked sean's world
accidentally in love
actual references are fun
alone in the office today
am i really going to spend $10 to be able to blog on the go?
and then i'd be like EAT GORHAM MOTHERFUCKER--in reference to what sean thompson planned to yell at my roommate alyssa's boyfriend if he ever gave sean a reason not to like him; while shoving his face into the hallway wall. note: sean is 5'8"; alyssa's boyfriend, while skinny, was about 6'4". you tell me who would've won that one.
another long entry
anyting + bacon = yum
archie 2.0
ask me someday about michelle's squirrel story--just for fun, here it is: michelle, one of my coworkers when i was an RA (also referred to as "RA soulmate"), once told dillon and i about the time there was a squirrel living in the chimney at the house she grew up in. her dad, being a fire fighter, decided to use his skillz to smoke the little critter out, so he lit a fire in the fireplace and took the time to create a little pathway to the front door, with pillows on either side of the runway he expected the squirrel to take. he closed the doors to the basement and garage, blocked off the staircase to the second floor, and waited. after a few minutes, there was a scuffling noise in the chimney, and suddenly, a squirrel--ON FIRE--came shooting out of the fireplace. disregarding the carefully plotted path laid out for him, he jumped onto the couch and set the curtains on fire before bolting out the front door. seconds later, the neighbors called: "um, this is going to sound...strange...but...something just ran. out of your house. ...on fire."

1 comment:

Kurt Anderson said...

"i can haz flame retardnt chemicalz?" - lolsqurl

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