Tuesday, August 25, 2009

post labels part E/5 AND F/6

two for today! since E is pretty short and so is F:

early morning rants
eat your veggies kids
empty is lonely
empty office
epic weekend
even more mountains
everyone loves an irish girl--irish girls are unique in their character. they're a combination of girl, mother, and nun. they can go from bambi to banshee in 3.7 seconds. they can bat their eyes and blacken yours. they can love you with passion and make you feel like a king. depending on their mood, they'll chastise you for drinking or match you pint to pint. they keep irish men from killing themselves and each other. uncomprehendable but indispensable, those irish girls.
ew ew ew

facebook love
fakey fridays are love
fall out boy's follie[s]
family visits
file under
file under: does want--this is usually a label for something i've recently fallen in love with; as such, it generally follows my favorite posts.
finally friday
finally spring
first class is tonight
for real real?
fork and knife
frank breau = best friend of all time
frank once drank an entire bottle of cognac in one sitting--it's true. i was with him. we played madlibs.
freaking brilliant
free fruit
fridayyyyy bitches
fuck headaches
fuckin' FANtastic
fucking freezing

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